The hubby and I have just returned from a beautiful few days on Gasparilla Island, off the gulf coast of Florida. As you can tell from the photo (compliments of hubby), the sky was gray but the ocean was beautiful. We had one day of sunshine, which we used to full advantage: sunning, snorkeling, spotting dolphins and manatees, collecting shells, and flying an armada of brightly colored kites with my extended family. My dragon kite decided to perch in a palm tree, but was rescued by a knight in shining armor (ok, so it was my uncle in swim trunks), who climbed onto the roof of the condo to save it.
Friday was mostly rainy, but after Thursday's adventures, I actually enjoyed getting out of the sun for awhile and indulging in some of our odd family habits, like singing along to the soundtrack of
The Happiest Millionaire (while recreating as best we could some of the movie's original choreography), and weaving
potholders from cotton loops. For some reason, my sister, my cousin, and I were obsessed with making these potholders when we were kids. Seriously, we'd stay up to all hours of the night churning out potholders, our own little self-managed sweat shop. This time, we introduced our younger cousins to the tradition. Our potholder empire grows...