
One of the benefits of being married is that you have someone to help keep you level-headed when you're tempted to make an impulsive purchase. Sometimes, however, something comes along that is so irresistably adorable, so criminally cute, that it breaks the will of both husband and wife and results in the purchase of not one but two 8-week-old bunny rabbits.
Meet the latest additions to the Davison household, Scout and Boo. They like to run around the apartment, chew on books, carpet, pant legs, and anything else at rabbit level, hide under the couch, and make us late for work, and we think they're the greatest. They're also very playful and inquisitive, surprisingly affectionate, and litter-trained. And aren't they adorable?!
So someone really is reading my blog! :) They're named after two characters in To Kill a Mockingbird, Boo Radley and Scout Finch. We went through a number of names before settling on these, including Ribbit and Bunster, Wallace and Gromit, and Wiggles and some other silly name that I can't remember right now. One of our friends recommended Oreo and Hydrox.
Hey! I check on you too - okay, about every month, but that's perfect, because that's about your pace at this point too. :) CUTE BUNNIES! And love the names. TKAM is one of my favorite novels of all times. I read it aloud to my 7th & 8th graders when I taught school and they would come during lunchtime to hear more, they loved it so much. We need to get together. I want to hear the stats.
Just to fill in the blanks, the alternate names that nueva texan forgot were Wiggles and Squiggles. There's no more fun than furry things called Wiggles and Squiggles. Unless, of course, their last name is MacGiggles. I posted a few more pictures I took today (when I should have been doing work). < davisonshire.org/blog.htm >. Who knew rabbits were so cool?
Just thought I'd record for posterity that we recently thought up another brilliant pair of names for our black and white bunnies - Ling Ling and Hsing Hsing, after the famous DC pandas. Guess we'll save those for our next pair of black and white bunnies.
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